Thursday, September 16, 2010

Important Enough

First four small pieces.

I have a new bulletin board and this purchase has made my storycloth life so much more enjoyable. In order to get a distance perspective I was in the habit of laying pieces of cloth on cushions leaned up against chairs, and strewn all over the apartment. Or so it seemed. I felt I couldn't focus effectively on the works in progress. I couldn't see them clearly from a distance. I think worst of all though was the consequent feeling of disorganisation which infused our living spaces. Quite unpleasant and disturbing really. I had pondered for a long time the value of making work space organisation a priority, but somehow kept on delaying making any sort of purchase, except of course for regular thrift store expeditions. Well the day came for this purchase and it is so good to have a dedicated space for storycloth and associated articles and images that inspire. It can all be changed around as needs and seasons suggest. The day we put it on the wall above my desk I was walking on air. I love being able to come in here and stare for a long time, or just catch a glimpse of a storycloth. First thing this morning, for example, I could see a color problem with one cloth. I was not able to really see such things the way I used to work. There are more little cloths on the board now, than are pictured above, and it is working well to have several in process. If I have fifteen minutes I can choose an appropriate task from the best cloth for the purpose. But I think overall what I have done is make explicit to myself that both I, and my work, are important. Important enough to have a bulletin board.

At close of needle yesterday I had made some design alterations on a yet un-named cloth. A storycloth inspired by a goat.

Happy stitching, Gilly


  1. congrats on the bulletin board. i made myself a design wall with foam board covered with flannel many years ago. there are about 5 quilts pinned to it right now,(all unfinished), one on top of the other. you've inspired me to clean it up and make it useable again. it does make a big difference when looking at new work and making design decisions.
    can't wait to hear about the cloth inspired by a goat.

  2. gilly i have a suggestion. can you find some white flannel to cover the bulletin board with? it can act as your design board and the white will not interfere with the other colors in your piece. but doesn't it feel just so fine to have your work up ? it looks great too!

  3. hey... gilly, i just noticed that i wasn't listed as a follower so i signed up again.... that was weird because i was one of the first to sign up!

  4. Hurrah, Gilly! It is such a big step to make a proper viewing area...your storycloths shine out so happily...

  5. I like your board gilly. This is a perfect place to view your cloth.


  6. Love your board Gilly!! I laughed when I read your post because I sometimes find myself staring at the work I create because it often will inspire changes, additions or new work. I have posted several responses to your question about how I did the tree painting. I hope that answers your question. I also posted some new fabrics that I have dyed. I am loving this whole adventure!!! SO glad I found all of you!! I also posted more on the Wrapped Trees blog..: )

  7. i like the bottom piece in
    already, scraps are able to extend beyond
    the original base...just off onto the board..

    i think this too allows for being able to
    see what we see in our mind, our imagination,
    right there in front of us

  8. Deanna - how did you go cleaning up your board?

    Nan - excellent idea - thankyou very much. I think you were always there but on the next page? Anyway I'm sure glad you are here x

    Thanks Susanna - it was. Just great too.x

    Cheers T.

    Hey Dreamer - will visit you again soon x

    Grace - so nice to receive your considered words. Thank you.
